
Guide For Football Field Illumination Calculation | Hishine LED Lighting

The general formula for estimating football field illuminance is illuminance = luminous flux ÷ area; luminous flux = luminous efficiency * luminous power.

  • According to the topic(110*75)

  1. The court area is 110*75=8250 square meters
  2. The light effect of the high-pressure sodium lamp is 100LPW, the power is 400W, and the number is 36, then the total luminous flux=400*100*36=1440000Lm
  3. According to the illuminance estimation formula, the average illuminance=1440000÷8250=174.5Lux can be calculated

*Note that this value is the estimated maximum value. If you consider the “utilization factor” and “maintenance factor”, the value will be smaller.

  • FIBA Standards

The entire basketball court is 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. The width of each line on the court is 5 cm. The measurement should start from the inner edge of the line.

Football Field Illumination Calculation

The middle part is the competition venue area, which requires high illuminance and is densely arranged. 20 sets of 160w LED floodlights are arranged on both sides of the entire competition area. There are auditoriums or rest areas. The area is small and the illuminance requirements are relatively low, so it is not allowed. Consider arranging lamps.

Adopting dual-line control: the competition area is controlled separately from the audience and the rest area, and the lamps in the auditorium can not be turned on during training, which can achieve more energy-saving.

Wiring diagram: The formula for simulating lighting effects supports E=ΦNKCU/A

E——represents the average illuminance

Φ——represents the total luminous flux of a single luminaire

N——represents the total number of luminaires

K——maintenance factor: with the reflector in the luminaire

*After a period of use, the illuminance will decrease relative to the pollution of glass and glass, as well as light decay. Therefore, it must be estimated first. According to the venue environment, the maintenance factor of the lamps is 0.8; Cu——the luminous flux emitted by the lamps Use the coefficient to take a value of 0.5.

A——The average lighting calculation of the competition area

E (average illuminance)=15500lm x 20 lights x 0.8 x0.5/ 28mx15m=295 Lux

Note: The above calculation data show that this program has fully reached the standard illuminance requirements of indoor basketball courts, It can completely replace or even exceed the 400w illuminance of the original metal halide lamp.

  • The comparison between LED lamps and traditional metal halide lamps has the advantages

Cost comparison of LED high bay lamps and traditional metal halide lamps or  high

  1. Long service life. The current metal halide lamps on the market have a warranty period of about one year. The warranty period for LED is more than two years.
  2. . Low self-consumption power: The self-consumption power of LED lamps is only one-tenth of that of metal halide lamps.
  3.  Low maintenance cost: LED lamps can be maintenance-free for 3 years. Because of its own reasons, the lamp basically has to replace the light source once a year and the rectifier once every two years, which greatly increases the maintenance cost and labor costs of the lamp.
  • The lighting design standards of the venue mainly include(Comprehensive stadium competition projects mainly track and field, and football)

(1) Artificial lighting guide for football stadium: FIFA.

This standard includes content such as competition classification, lighting requirements, recommended values of lighting parameters, and field lighting measurement. It is currently the most comprehensive and up-to-date standard for artificial lighting on football fields.

This standard was applied in the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan.

(2) Guide to artificial lighting of multi-functional indoor stadiums: International Sports Federation (GAISF), European Broadcasting Union (EBU).

This standard introduces the high-definition color television transmission (HDTV) clause for the first time, and the lighting standard has been improved one step further.

However, high-definition TV is still in the development stage, so the requirements are based on the knowledge and experience available at the time when the standard was compiled; compared with other standards and specifications, HDTV also needs an emergency system to provide minimal emergency TV lighting.

(3) Sports lighting guidelines with color television broadcasting and film systems: Document No. 83 of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE).

The CIE83 technical document focuses on the lighting requirements for color television photography and also explains the differences between the requirements for television photography and film photography.

(4) Guidelines for determination of luminosity regulations for sports lighting devices: Document No. 67 of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE).

In 986, the CIE4.4 committee of the International Commission on Illumination formulated the CIE67 technical document.

The purpose of this report is to develop standard procedures for the calculation, measurement, and lighting characteristics of indoor and outdoor sports lighting installations.

(5) Football field lighting: Document No. 57 of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE).

In 1998, the International Lighting Commission officially promulgated the Football Stadium Lighting Standard (Lighting for footbal1), which is CIE57 Technical Document.

This standard is a guiding document for floodlighting of football stadiums, which is applicable from training grounds to stadiums with stands.

(6) Civil building lighting design standard: GBJ133-90.

Effective from December 1, 2004.

(7) Code for the electrical design of civil buildings: JGJ/T16-92.

Effective on August 1, 1993.

(8) Design code for sports buildings: JGJ31—2003J265—2003).

This standard is an industry-standard jointly promulgated by the Ministry of Construction and the State Sports General Administration and will come into force on October 1, 2003.

This standard is the first professional standard for sports architecture in my country.

  •  Which of the above standards is adopted for venue lighting depends on the positioning of the construction party’s functional requirements for the venue

The International Federation of Sports (GAISF) is classified according to whether the level of the game is professional or amateur, while the International Football Federation (FIFA) is classified according to whether there is a TV broadcast.

Generally speaking, the standards set by international sports organizations are higher and more detailed than my country’s national and industry standards. Therefore, the construction of sports venues is purely for domestic competitions and training. It can follow the above (6), (7), (8). ) Is the main standard, and other standards are supplemented.

If it is to be used as an intercontinental or international competition venue, it must be designed in accordance with the principles of (1) ~ (5) as the main standard and the others as supplementary.

The core content of the lighting standard is the illuminance standard and the lighting quality standard. The lighting quality standard includes glare, light source color temperature, color rendering index, light directionality, green and energy saving requirements, etc.